Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Took this picture on a Sunday afternoon when having coffee alone. Had a mental picture that this picture will express the tranquility of that moment. Sontag's On Photography seems to be my companion for most of these lazy afternoons.

She wrote, I quote: "Unlike the fine-art objects of pre-democratic eras, photographs don't seem deeply beholden to the intentions of an artist. Rather, they owe their existence to a loose cooperation (quasi-magical, quasi-accidental) between photographer and subject - mediated by an ever simpler and more automated machie, which is tireless, and which even when capricious can produce a result that is interesting and never entirely wrong."

But how often are 'good' pictures results of conscious planning? I will be glad if I can say for sure that half of my good pictures are perfect executions of my visualization than mere luck. Serendipity should never be the compensation for inexperience and incompetence, I reckon!


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